Suvretta Snowsports School, Alpine and Nordic

  1. Bookings can be cancelled or amended free of charge up to 14 days prior to arrival. Cancellation must be confirmed by Suvretta Snowsports. For cancellations or amendments made fewer than 14 days before arrival, a charge of 50% of the total amount will be levied. For cancellation fewer than 24 hours before the reservation was due to start, a bill for the full amount will be issued. We recommend taking out travel insurance (Example Alliance).
  2. In general our snow sport instructors teach no matter what the weather. Lessons or lesson fees are only cancelled if the weather or snow conditions are such that skiing is not possible. This decision is made exclusively by the Ski School management.
  3. Travel costs for the snow sport instructor will be charged separately (the Ski School will provide information about the rates).
  4. The Ski School accepts no liability for any personal arrangements made with the snow sport instructor.
  5. We ask you to direct any complaints about ski and snowboard lessons directly to the Ski School management.
  6. We reserve the right to make changes regarding the choice of instructor in the event of unforeseeable circumstances arising.
  7. Group lessons will be held provided there is a minimum number of 4 participants.
  8. Payment: Credit card payments in favor of the ski school are collected by TREKKSOFT AG, Hauptstrasse 15, 3800 Matten, Switzerland ("TREKKSOFT"). TREKKSOFT will appear as TREKKSOFT TOUR BOOKING on your credit card statement. The domain where you enter and process your payment is owned and operated by TREKKSOFT.
  9. Covid 19: If a possilbe Lown-down occurs you receive a proportional credit note. There is no refund if you are absent or cancel a lesson because of covid-19 symptoms. The covid-19 compliance is part of the general business guidelines.

Liability: Th Ski School accepts no liability for accidents during lessons or competitions. Subscriptions are not transferable. In the case of illness or accidents, a refund will only be made upon presentation of a medical certificate from a local doctor. No refunds will be given for unused tickets/coupons.


Preise / Konditionen:
Unsere Preise verstehen sich rein netto, Preisänderungen vorbehalten.

Bezahlung: Kreditkartenzahlungen zugunsten der Suvretta Sports School AG werden von der TREKKSOFT AG, Hauptstrasse 15, 3800 Matten, Schweiz ("TREKKSOFT"), eingezogen. TREKKSOFT wird als TREKKSOFT TOUR BOOKING auf Ihrer Kreditkartenabrechnung erscheinen. Die Domain, in der Sie Ihre Zahlung eingeben und bearbeiten, ist Eigentum von TREKKSOFT und wird von TREKKSOFT betrieben.

Lieferung Inland:
Der Versand erfolgt in der Regel 2-4 Tage nachdem der Rechnungsbetrag unserem Konto gutgeschrieben wurde.

Pro Bestellung wird ein Versandkostenanteil von CHF 10.00 in Rechnung gestellt. Ab einem Bestellwert von 150.- CHF Versandkostenfrei.

Priority-, Express- und Sperrgutzuschläge (z. B. Skis, Bikes, und ähnliche Artikel) gehen zu Lasten des Kunden und werden gemäss Aufwand verrechnet.

Lieferung Ausland:
Die Versandkosten, Zollgebühren und Entrichtung der Mehrwertsteuer gehen zu Lasten des Empfängers. Dies wird nach Aufwand in Rechnung gestellt. Rücksendungen aus dem Ausland können nur im Falle einer Falschlieferung oder bei mangelhafter Ware akzeptiert werden.

Umtausch / Rücksendung:
Innerhalb von 5 Tagen. Die Ware muss in einwandfreiem Zustand retourniert werden, respektive mit Originalverpackung und ungebraucht. Bitte Rechnung oder Kassenbon beilegen. Bei Umtausch/Rückgabe verrechnen wir einen Unkostenbetrag von 20.- CHF.

Suvretta Sports steht für einwandfrei Qualität. Eine Garantie kann nur gegen Rücksendung mit Quittung und in Originalverpackung gewährt werden. Nach erfolgter Rücksendung entscheidet der Suvretta Sports School AG über die Garantieleitstung.

Wir garantieren für die vertrauliche Behandlung aller Kundendaten; eine Weitergabe dieser Daten an Dritte ist ausgeschlossen.

Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand ist St. Moritz.

Mit dem Kauf bzw. der Bestellung gelten die genannten allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Suvretta Sports School AG als akzeptiert.


Suvretta Sports – Cross Country Center - Rental

  • The customer is responsible for taking out accident insurance.
  • The rental company accepts no liability whatsoever.
  • The customer is liable for any damage caused by improper or negligent treatment of the equipment.
  • On Sportsevents (for ex. Ski Marathon) the customer carries all cost when damages occur.
  • Theft must be reported immediately.
  • The customer is liable for the full purchase price of stolen items.


Suvretta Sports – Bike Center St. Moritz

The customer confirms that the equipment was received in impeccable condition. The customer is liable for any damage caused by improper or negligent treatment of the rental equipment. The customer is responsible for taking out accident insurance. The rental company accepts no liability whatsoever. Theft must be reported immediately. The customer is liable for the full purchase price of stolen or lost items.


Suvretta Sports - Rent a Bike

The services "Cycle hire from the station" and "Cycle hire from the camp site/hotel" are provided by the company Rent a Bike AG in Sursee (hereafter referred to as the rental company) , which is the owner of the rental bikes. The terms and conditions of rental constitute an integral part of the rental contract. By accepting the order confirmation or by paying on location the customer confirms that he has read the terms and conditions of rental and accepts them without limitation.

1 Contractual relationships
The SBB AG, the licensed transport companies and other partners act as providers of the services "Cycle hire from the station" and "Cycle hire from the camp site/hotel". The contract is between the customer and Rent a Bike AG.

2 Receipt of the bicycle
The customer receives the bicycle in a clean and operational condition. Any complaints on the part of the customer must be reported to the rental company at the time the bicycle is received.

3 Bicycle return
Once the rental period stipulated in the rental contract has expired, the customer is obliged to return the vehicle to the place stated in the rental contract during its opening hours. The vehicle and all accessories provided by the rental company, such as child seats, cycle helmets etc. must be returned to the rental company in impeccable condition when returning the vehicle. In the event that accessories have been lost or damaged the customer shall be charged for these.

4 Extending the rental period
The rental contract can only be extended with the agreement of the rental company before the existing rental contract expires. The rental company is entitled to refuse to extend the contract without being required to state its reasons.

5 Minimum age for rental customers
Children and adolescents under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Rental bikes can only be given to children and adolescents below the age of 16 who are not accompanied by an adult upon provision of written permission from the parents or legal guardian.

6 Services and prices
The prices published in the rental company's valid price list and brochure at the time of rental shall apply.

7 Insurance
The customer is responsible for taking out insurance. By signing the rental contract the customer confirms that he has sufficient insurance cover for those risks inherent in riding the rental bike. Riding on any and all roads and paths is at the customer's own risk. The rental company accepts no liability whatsoever.

8 Cycle helmets
The use and wearing of the SUVA cycle helmets provided at no cost is voluntary and at the customer's own risk. The rental company accepts no liability whatsoever in this respect.

9 Customer liability
The customer is obliged to use the bicycle properly and with care. The customer is liable in full for any damage resulting from negligence or improper use of the bicycle. Use for racing purposes or riding in an uncontrolled manner are strictly forbidden. In the event of accident damage, loss, theft or improper treatment of the rental bike, the customer is liable for the cost of repairs; in the event that the bicycle is completely destroyed or lost he is responsible for the cost or replacing the bicycle.

10 Faults which occur during the rental period
If the bicycle develops a fault during the rental period, the customer can exchange the bicycle for another at a different rental station. In the event that there is no rental station nearby, or if no replacement bicycle is available, the customer can have the fault repaired at the nearest specialist bike shop. The cost of the repairs can be reclaimed from the rental company upon presentation of the receipt.

11. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
This contract is subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Sursee (LU).

Rent a Bike - Sursee, January 2008